Why does Vista use all available memory?

Microsoft introduced a new feature called SuperFetch in Windows Vista. You can read my post about SuperFetch by clicking here.

Most modern computers have a lot of RAM available for the operating system. Vista's SuperFetch feature just makes good use of this RAM to speed things up. Your memory is filled with applications that you are more likely to use by SuperFetch. That is the reason why you see such high RAM usages in your task manager.

To conclude Vista uses all your memory to decrease system response time. You should not be complaining about Vista. Just complain why previous versions of Windows did not make good use of your RAM!

You can read a more detailed explanation here.


Blog updates available via Feedburner

I feel lame for not giving you the option to easily subscribe to my blog's feed. This is the reason I started using Feedburner. You can subscribe to my blog's feed by clicking on the "Subscribe in a reader" link placed on the top left corner of every page.

You can add my feed to your favorite news aggregation service easily. You also have the option to be updated via email. Hope this helps you and me in experiencing the wow!


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Windows Vista - 6 Month Vulnerability Report | CSO Blogs

 Jeff Jones a Microsoft Director has done a comparison on the vulnerabilities discovered in Vista and other operating systems. He considered a 6 month time span for his analysis. The results show that Windows Vista is one of the more stable operating systems developed. I guess all the bullshit on the net about Vista not being secure is just that, bullshit. Here is a link to the article.

Link to Windows Vista - 6 Month Vulnerability Report | CSO Blogs


Add links to Favorite Links in Windows Vista Explorer

Whenever you open an explorer window in Windows Vista, you must have noticed a place for your favorite links to the left. You might have been using it to get to your documents folder or even your pictures folder. Did you know that you can customize this space so that new links can be added?!

Just open windows explorer and navigate to the folder which you want to add to the "favorite links" section. Drag the folder into the favorite links section. Now whenever you open windows explorer, the folder you added appears in the favorite links section and is easily accessible.

You can also rearrange the links by dragging them up or down! Go ahead and add your most commonly used folders in there.


Get your old software to work with Vista

Many software applications that have been developed for Windows XP don't seem to work well with Windows Vista. Fortunately, there is a solution for this. We need to install the program in compatibility mode for Windows XP. Here are the steps to do it.

Works On: All Versions

Step 1: Right click on the application you want to install and choose "properties".

Step 2: Choose the compatibility tab in the properties.

Step 3: Check or place a tick mark in the check box next to "Run this program in compatibility mode for:". Windows XP (Service Pack 2) would be the default option selected.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Step 4: Click OK to save the properties.

After doing this, all most all your applications should work well. There are a few applications which seem to not work even then. Hey, there is no harm in trying! Post your experience using the compatibility mode in the comments below.


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