Enable telnet in Vista

You must have noticed that telnet is disabled in Windows Vista by default. Here is how to get telnet up and running.

Works on: All Versions

Step 1
Click Start or the Vista logo on your taskbar.

Step 2
Select ' Control Panel' from the start menu.


Type ' Control Panel' into the search box in the start menu, and click ' Control Panel' under programs from the search results.

Step 3
Click Programs' in the control panel.

Step 4
Click ' Turn windows features on or off' under ' Programs and Features'.
If you have User Account Control turned on, Vista will ask for your confirmation. Click continue.

Step 5
A window with the title "Windows Features" should pop up.
Scroll down and find "Telnet Client". Check or place a tick mark in the check box beside "Telnet Client".

Step 6
Click "OK". Vista will take its time and install telnet client.

That's it. You should be able to use Telnet as you did in your previous version of windows.


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