User Account Control (UAC)

You might have seen the Apple advertisement mocking Vista's user account control. Is UAC that bad? Let us see ...

Say you downloaded a piece of software, for ripping your music cd's, from your favorite p2p program. Do you know for sure, that the software you downloaded does not harm your computer? If this software tries to access your computers device manager or registry editor or decides to perform any other task that requires administrator privileges, Vista's UAC would pop up and ask you for your confirmation.

Consider the situation where the software you have installed is a malware and it tries to access your registry. Vista would pop-up a notification asking for your permission to continue with the programs request. Now, why would you require access to the registry for ripping music?! No reason whatsoever. You just click 'cancel' and uninstall the software you have downloaded.

Vista's UAC has just saved you and your computer!

Read more about UAC here .

That's my take on UAC, use the comments to express your view.

PS: If you are still not convinced and want to disable Vista's UAC, I will be blogging about that in my next post.